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Luna Moth

Actias luna

The Luna Moth (Actias luna) is a captivating and distinctive insect belonging to the family Saturniidae. Renowned for its remarkable beauty, the Luna Moth boasts a wingspan of up to 4.5 inches, making it one of the largest moth species in North America.

Known for its lime green color and long hind wing tails, the Luna Moth can easily be distinguished from any other species in North Ameirca. Its wings exhibit a striking combination of pale green hues, accented by shades of yellow and pale blue, while elongated hindwings and long, curving tails add to its ethereal charm.

The Luna Moth is primarily found in the eastern regions of North America, dwelling in moist and wooded habitats such as forests and gardens. Its short adult lifespan of about one week is devoted solely to reproduction, during which time it relies on stored energy reserves, foregoing any need for sustenance. Unfortunately, the Luna Moth population has faced some decline due to habitat loss and pesticide use, making sightings of these enchanting creatures increasingly rare and cherished.

Deciduous woodlands, suburbs with large trees
Scientific Name
Actias luna
Wing Span
75mm to 105mm
General Size
Wing Color
Marking's Color
Markings Pattern
Eye Spots

Characteristics describe the physical and behavioral traits that distinguish a species from others. This section helps readers identify and differentiate between similar species, aiding in species identification and reducing the chance of misidentification.

Identifying Characteristics
  1. Feather-like antennae

  2. Lime green color

  3. Long tail on hindwings

The chart displays the months of the year on the x-axis and observations of a particular species on the y-axis, indicating the time of year when each species is most commonly observed. This chart can assist moth watchers and researchers in predicting the best times and locations to observe specific moth species.

A range map is a visual representation of a species' geographical distribution, and it helps naturalists and field researchers quickly determine if a species is likely to be found in a given area, aiding in identification, conservation, and habitat management efforts.