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Celery Looper Moth

Anagrapha falcifera

Anagrapha falcifera, also known as the Celery Looper Moth, is a species of moth commonly found in North America. This moth is known for its unique appearance that resembles a dead leaf. The wings are a mottled brown color with a distinctive silver swirl. The Celery Looper Moth gets its name from its association with celery crops and the looping motion of its caterpillar.

The name “looper” comes from the way the caterpillar moves in an inchworm-like motion, with only two to three pairs of prolegs, compared to the typical five pairs on most caterpillars, resulting in its unique crawling pattern. Another interesting fact about this species is that the dead leaf mimicry is not limited to its appearance, but also extends to its behavior. The moth will often rest in a posture that mimics a dead leaf, with its wings held flat and perpendicular to its body.

A fun fact about the Celery Looper Moth is that it is a nocturnal species and is attracted to lights at night. So, if you leave your porch light on, you may just spot one of these moths!

Grasslands, fields, meadows, open areas
Scientific Name
Anagrapha falcifera
Wing Span
32mm to 34mm
General Size
Wing Color
Marking's Color
Markings Pattern
Waves / Jagged Lines

Characteristics describe the physical and behavioral traits that distinguish a species from others. This section helps readers identify and differentiate between similar species, aiding in species identification and reducing the chance of misidentification.

Identifying Characteristics
  1. Curved, silvery white line that looks like a swirl

  2. Rectangular dark brown patch by silver swirl marking

  3. Occasional small red spot at end of white swirl

The chart displays the months of the year on the x-axis and observations of a particular species on the y-axis, indicating the time of year when each species is most commonly observed. This chart can assist moth watchers and researchers in predicting the best times and locations to observe specific moth species.

A range map is a visual representation of a species' geographical distribution, and it helps naturalists and field researchers quickly determine if a species is likely to be found in a given area, aiding in identification, conservation, and habitat management efforts.